Welcome to the Praxis Framework

a free framework for the management of projects, programmes and portfolios

Praxis integrates a body of knowledge, methodology, competency framework and capability maturity model
into a single consistent framework. It also contains tools and resources designed to help individuals, teams and
organisations improve their effectiveness and efficiency in delivering projects, programmes and portfolios.

Take the Guided tour
Get certified! Training based on the Praxis Framework is now available and will provide a pathway to becoming a more effective project or programme manager
  • Free

    在知识共享(Creative Commons)协议条款下,Praxis 完全免费使用。只要你声明来源,你就可以为你自己的目的而调整和使用 Praxis 框架。你还必须把你的工作免费提供给其他人。理想情况下,你的贡献将会被纳入这个网站,以使他人收益。

  • Integrated

    Praxis 将知识体系、方法论、能力框架与与能力成熟度模型,整合为一个完整的、具有单一结构与专门术语的体系。不再需要在不同指南之间进行转换与翻译。

  • Practical

    其实典型的项目、项目群或项目组合是不存在的,Praxis 体系内构成要素的应用不是教条式的。该体系设计提供可以剪裁和组装的构件,以适合不同情境中的各种情况。

  • Community driven

    大部分项目、项目群与项目组合管理指南,由专家小组每隔几年进行更新。Praxis 的目的,是对这个体系与资源库持续地进行更新与扩展。随着用户提供调整和经验教训,我们就整合到体系中去。请时常查看我们网页上的 news feed,并随时关注我们的 Twitter,以保证及时更新。

Explore the Framework

Praxis Pathway

Praxis Pathway infographic
Our primary objective at Praxis Framework is to break down the barriers to implementing good practice in project, programme and portfolio management. Our paths for individuals, teams and organisations combine to form the Praxis Pathway.

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Praxis Framework book

The Praxis Framework book

The Praxis Framework book is published by The Stationery Office and may be purchased from the TSO web site.

Find out about the book

Latest News

Keeping you informed

  • New Critical path videos
    06 Jan 2024
    Two new videos have just been added to our growing video section. The first covers the basics of Critical Path Analysis. Over time we will add more videos that build on this basic... read article
  • Cost of change
    16 Dec 2023
    Our latest video 'Cost of change', looks at one of the key enablers of agility in the management of... read article
  • New encyclopaedia video
    27 Nov 2023
    This video is a brief tour of Kotter's 8-step model for change management, via a quick look at Lewin's... read article
  • Praxis Local in Portuguese
    22 Nov 2023
    Praxis Local is now available in Brazilian Portuguese. Many thanks to Ernani Marques for all his work to complete this new version.O Praxis Local agora está disponível em... read article


Blogs and Articles

  • Prediction is difficultNiels Bohr’s quote, “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future” neatly encapsulates the challenges facing project controls professionals every working day if... read article
  • 4 types of estimator and 9 golden rules Except in the most clearly defined environments, the bottom line is that estimates depend upon people. The majority of estimates are produced not by trained estimators but by the... read article
  • Navigating Praxis Within its four main sections Praxis contains many components that are inter-connected in different ways. A competent P3 manager ultimately needs a good understanding of all these... read article
  • Don't forget a key stakeholderThe dissenters saw the logic of carrying out stakeholder analysis, but we were all shocked when this individual spoke about the... read article
  • 1st class leadersHe said ‘First class leaders recruit first class people; second class leaders recruit third class people’. Let me interpret this philosophical point into something practical for... read article