A project or programme method is primarily a set of processes designed to manage the project or programme life cycle. The way the processes are structured and how they map to the life cycle can, and should, be adapted to the context in which they are applied.
See article – ‘Are all methods based on the same life cycle’
In the primary Praxis method, there is a very close relationship between the life cycle phases and corresponding processes – even the names are the same. The identification phase is managed by the identification process, the definition phase is managed by the definition process and so on.
Fundamentally, all life cycles are the same and are managed in very similar ways by different methods.
The alternative method in this section (there is currently only one but others will follow based on demand) is based on ISO21500:2012. It uses the same life cycle but the phases are managed by processes with different names and with a different structure.
No one approach is better than any other – they are simply different and often aimed at different contexts. A good framework can, and should, support different methods and this section shows how an alternative (organisational specific) method can be integrated into the Praxis Framework.
Note: ISO21500: 2012 has been withdrawn and replaced by ISO21500: 2021. This section is retained to illustrate how Praxis may be easily mapped against other standards and guides. All references to ISO21500 in this section are references to ISO21500:2012.