If you have previously registered but haven’t created an assessment yet, you will see this message when you login. Simply click on the link to go to the new assessment settings.
Alternatively, if you go straight to assessment settings from the registration process, or click on create assessment on the assessments overview page, you will see the following screen.
This is the ‘assessment settings’ screen which has three sections:
> Identification
> Assessment design
> Context
In the identification section there are four fields:
Assessment: the standard set of assessment questions in Praxis is ‘Maturity 360’. Alternative question sets may be available if you are using a tailored corporate version of Praxis.
Assessment name: type in the name of your project, programme or portfolio.
Assessment type: select project, programme or portfolio from the drop down list.
Benchmarking data: if you select ‘yes’ your reports will include comparisons against assessments with the same context as yours.
If you have previously created a programme or project assessment, you will be given an additional option to include this assessment within another. This feature allows you to assess a project and include it in a programme or portfolio, or assess a programme and include it within a portfolio.
The assessment design section is where you can define the topics that you wish to be included in the assessment. These can be changed at a later time if required.
Praxis allows you to tailor the assessment to suit the project or programme you are assessing. There are two initial settings: ‘Basic’ and ‘Detailed’. Detailed is the default and is shown above.
You can use the check boxes to select the topics to be assessed. The only limitation is that you cannot select a summary topic and one or more of its component topics in the same assessment.
Once all three sections have been completed you are ready to click on ‘start assessment’ and start your first project or programme assessment.