If you are new to the idea of Team Praxis, please read our introduction to the concept before using the table below to improve your communications with team members, stakeholders and anyone else involved in your project, programme or portfolio.
The goals of schedule management are to:
- determine timescales for the work;
- calculate profiles of resource demand;
- present schedule reports in a format suitable for different stakeholders.
When implementing these goals people with different character traits would perceive schedule management plans and techniques in different ways.
Concientious behaviour would typically propose or want to see: -
timescales which are backed up by evidence and analysis to ensure they are realistic and deliverable; -
robust and suitably detailed resourcing profiles split by all resource types; -
schedule reports which are comprehensive and detailed based on validated data; -
a focus on quantitative data in the reports to aide informed and objective decision making; -
a consistent and systematic approach to schedule management that is adhered to by the team. Someone exhibiting concientious behaviour would typically be perceived as: -
formal, and someone who always sticks to the agreed scheduling processes; -
requiring well researched or validated information before making a decision; -
having a low risk appetite therefore cautious around any estimates used in scheduling; -
supportive of methodical and proven techniques around scheduling; -
a perfectionist who may research or iterate to remove uncertainty. | Dominant behaviour would typically propose or want to see: -
challenging timescales resulting in early delivery with people committed to meeting it; -
optimistic profiles of resource demand which have been challenged to minimise waste; -
succinct and focused schedule reports that identify challenges and mitigating actions; -
the minimum level of resourcing necessary to ensure effective schedule management with the least bureaucracy possible; -
flexibility in the process to allow decisions to be made as necessary to expedite delivery; - a focus on quantitative data that is defensible and trustworthy.
Someone exhibiting dominant behaviour would typically be perceived as: -
formal and working broadly to the process until they believe it hinders delivery; -
having a high appetite for risk therefore expecting estimates to be tight; -
dismissive of activities that they perceive as hindering delivery; -
focusing on short term targets and early delivery; -
decisive as they reach decision points within the process flow. |
Steady behaviour would typically propose or want to see: -
key individuals engaged in determining realistic timescales and resourcing; -
conservative profiles of resource demand and timescales; -
suitably detailed schedule reports which are presented in an appropriate way to meet different stakeholders; -
a focus on qualitative as well as quantitative data in the reports; -
clearly identified roles and distribution of effort for schedule management. Someone exhibiting steady behaviour would typically be perceived as: -
informal in their attitude to people but still requiring them to work to the agreed planning processes; -
cautious as they work through agreed processes and wishing to minimise risk; -
being empathetic to the impact of scheduling decisions on people; -
indecisive when decisions need to be made in particular when there is uncertainty or time pressures. | Influential behaviour would typically propose or want to see: -
optimistic timescales that the team can work towards; -
profiles of resource demand that have considered the broad range of resources necessary for successful delivery; -
engaging and well-presented schedule reports that provide different perspectives to stakeholders; -
early interaction within the team and with stakeholders as part of schedule management; -
flexibility around how the process is applied and clear communication as to its value to the team; -
a focus on qualitative as well as quantitative data in the reports. - Someone exhibiting influential behaviour would typically be perceived as:
informal and often working around the scheduling processes where seen as constraining; -
a risk taker when taking scheduling decisions; -
under-estimating schedules due to their natural optimism; -
fast paced in terms of the adoption and application of processes and keen to innovate; -
making scheduling decisions based on gut feel and later backing up with data. |
Thanks to Donnie MacNicol of Team Animation for providing this page.