This area is about the functions that are immediately concerned with the delivery of outputs, outcomes and benefits. Six of the sections deal with components that are fundamental to every project, programme and portfolio:
Scope: what are the objectives and scope of the work?
Schedule: how long will it take to achieve?
Finance: how are necessary funds acquired and costs managed?
Risk: what are threats and opportunities involved?
Change: what areas of business-as-usual must be changed to realise benefits?
Resource: how will the necessary resources be acquired, mobilised and managed?
Some functions operate across these fundamental components and are collected together under the general title of integrative management.
Most functions in this section contain a procedure that describes the typical steps that should be followed. These are often iterative and a generic form of procedure is shown below.
Functional procedures will be repeatedly performed in each of the life cycle phases but must be adapted to the circumstances. Depending upon the life cycle phase, the focus will be on different procedural steps.
Performing procedures in a way that is appropriate to the life cycle phases is a common element of competencies and an attribute of level 3 capability.
Common to all procedures are the ‘plan’ and ‘initiate’ steps. The planning step involves creating a management plan for the function that describes the policies, procedures, tools and techniques that should be used to manage the function. The initiation step covers the mobilisation of resources required to perform the procedure.
Although the plan and initiate steps are shown separately for each function they will largely be performed collectively for all functions.
The planning step is normally part of preparing governance documents in the definition process. The initiation step will be divided between the latter part of the definition process and the beginning of the delivery process.
The specific steps relate to work that is unique to each function, such as estimating costs or identifying risk, and these are repeatedly performed throughout delivery. However, the specific steps will also be performed at a high level in the identification process to produce the brief and the definition process to produce the definition documentation.