Manage conflict

The purpose of this competency is to achieve the goals of conflict management in the P3 context, i.e. to:

  • utilise the positive aspects of conflict;
  • resolve organisational and interpersonal conflict;
  • minimise the impact of conflict on objectives.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify potential areas of conflict and, if necessary, take action to prevent or mitigate these
  2. encourage team members and stakeholders to resolve conflict amongst themselves
  3. examine the conflict from all parties’ viewpoints
  4. consider how to resolve the situation and seek external help where appropriate
  5. negotiate and communicate the agreed solution

This competency is primarily written from the point of view of a manager who needs to resolve a conflict between others.

However, all members of the team should be aware of the principles of conflict management and seek to prevent negative conflict before it gets to the point where formal resolution is required.

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the goals of conflict management
  2. the context of the work and its impact on conflict management
  3. conflict as a normal element of team development
  4. typical causes and sources of conflict
  5. the relationship between magnitude and frequency of conflict
  6. models for conflict resolution
  7. relevant and available external resources for conflict resolution



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