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Capability maturity


Articles remain the copyright of the original authors and publishers. They are not covered by the Creative Commons licence.

Title Author(s) Notes Provided by

Capable, mature or both


This article describes the difference between capability and maturity. It goes on to explain how the Praxis capability maturity model relates to the CMMI® model.

Praxis Framework Ltd.

Important vs effective


It is a good idea for every organisation to review its position on risk management against the two dimensions of importance and effectiveness, and to take appropriate action to move up the scale of risk management maturity.

Risk Doctor

Investing in project performance


The first in a series of 13 articles where Professor Rodney Turner looks at building enterprise-wide, project management capability.

Project Manager Today magazine

Project management competence and maturity of organisations


We talk about project management competence but who or what is competent? This article looks at organisational competence (i.e. capability)

Project Manager Today magazine

Improving maturity through innovation and learning


How organizations can improve their project management capability and what innovation and learning practices they can adopt to achieve that.

Project Manager Today magazine

Barriers to innovation and learning


There are barriers that stop organizations succeeding in developing their capability. New ideas and knowledge come under pressure from many directions.

Project Manager Today magazine




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