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Effective project sponsorship: part 1


This is the first of five articles focusing on the role of the Project Sponsor. For too long this role has been either ignored or paid mere lip service. However new research is now pointing to the lack of effective sponsorship being a prime cause of project failure.

Project Workout

Effective project sponsorship: part 2


This, the second in a series of four articles on the project sponsor, looks at three important facets of project sponsorship: leader, change agent and decision maker.

Project Workout

Effective project sponsorship: part 3


The third article on the project sponsor looks at who the project sponsor is accountable to and the impact this may have on undertaking the role.

Project Workout

Effective project sponsorship: part 4


The fourth article on the Project Sponsor looks at the relationship with the Project manager.

Project Workout

Effective project sponsorship: part 5


The fifth article on the role of the project sponsor looks at the ‘people aspects’. If leadership and change are about getting people to move towards a stated objective, which styles tend to be the most effective?

Project Workout

Using practical risk modelling to influence project board members.


The Project Board is accountable for the achievement of benefits. However, nothing planned for the future is certain and therefore risk is inherent in every project. What tools and techniques help the Project Board focus on its real role with regards to risk management?

Project Workout

Programme and project sponsorship


Effective sponsorship is a key element in the successful delivery of projects and programs; the way a sponsor interacts with the project and other managers can create or destroy value.

Mosaic Project Solutions pty

Taking responsibility for the sponsor/project manager partnership

Murray-Webster and Simon

Much has been written about the best way to manage the relationship between the sponsor and manager. As always, what organisations and people actually do is quite different.

Lucidus consulting

Professional Posturing: The Path to Under-Performance

Murray-Webster and Simon

Competent managers under-perform despite knowing about the pitfalls and the cognitive traps. We suggest that one of the causes is something we’ll call professional posturing.

Lucidus consulting

We'll learn from this


Had they learnt? Maybe they had identified the lessons to learn but not yet quite got round to fixing the issue.

Project Agency

How good are you at briefing a pm?


Poor briefing leads to misunderstandings and wasted effort to name a few. So what are some of the rules for better briefing by sponsors?

Project Agency

Managers are from Venus and sponsors from Mars


Are managers and sponsors from different planet?

Lazy Project Manager

Warning signs your sponsor doesn’t care


We all know that critical to any project’s success is having a good project sponsor but like the saying goes, ‘you can pick your friends but you can’t pick your relatives’.

Lazy Project Manager

The sponsor checklist


The top responsibilities of the sponsorship role.

Lazy Project Manager



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4th December 2014Article from Lucidus added
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