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In search of principles The objective of this paper is to determine whether a set of project management principles can be identified to serve as a common framework for developers and publishers of project management standards and guidelines.
Starting on the right track Teams directing major infrastructure programmes face many challenges, not least ensuring their engineering and programme management teams work together effectively. Advice from research centres on having a ‘whole system’ mind-set, interdisciplinary team working and processes to reflect this.
Understanding gates and stages Ignore the reborn discipline of enterprise-wide project management at your peril! No longer the preserve of the engineering and IT sectors, project management is fast becoming a core competence which many organizations require of their employees and an activity every executive and manager should be familiar with.
Governance in a portfolio, programme and project context Clearly, ‘governance’ is a hot topic. All private and public sector organisations run programmes and projects, which should always be undertaken within the context of a higher-level organisation and its governance. In fact, the governance of portfolios, programmes and projects should be an integrated part of overall organisational (or corporate) governance, and should not be treated as an added extra.
Defining the boundaries of portfolios Defining a portfolio’s objectives, scope and boundaries is the first and most critical step in portfolio management. Everything that happens afterwards depends on this being right.
Portfolios, programmes and projects in context The purpose of this paper is to examine portfolio, programme and project management in context and investigate their differences and similarities.
Addressing agility The purpose of this paper is to examine how the term ‘agile’ and its derivatives are used in a range of standards and other authoritative project management related publications with a view to understanding and reconciling the apparent differences.
Enduring lessons in project management In 1997 when The Project Workout was first published, it included ten lessons from working with and learning from large organizations which claimed to be undertaking projects well. Obviously, for those lessons to result from research done in 1995 and appear in a book in 1997, they needed to have been practiced long before that.


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